We provide geochemistry expertise to private and public sector clients involved in environmental, extractive and chemical industries including mining, minerals, oil and gas, water and natural resources. Our experts have a track record of implementing creative, affordable, and timely solutions to your toughest geochemstry problems involving water, soil, rock and chemical interactions.

D3 Geochemistry offers state of the art geochemical services with pragmatic compliance and business know-how to clients requiring innovative and affordable solutions that fit their business model. We are dedicated to the sustainable development of mineral and water resources.
Sampling and Analysis
Monitoring and Database Support
Remedial Investigations
Baseline Geochemistry, Tailings and Mine Waste Characterization and Mine Reclamation
Water Treatment
Drilling and Frac Fluid Chemistry
Corrosion and Compatibility Analysis
Geochemical Forensics
Geochemical Modeling
Unsaturated Flow Modeling
Fate and Transport Modeling
Due Diligence and Valuation
Environmental Permitting
Expert Witness
Lithium Brine Project Permitting
Carbon Sequestration
Tracer Studies
Dr. Drummond Earley's new paper "Effect of Temperature on Arsenic Treatment and Mobility in Mine Influenced Water" has been published in the journal Mine Water and the Environment. In this paper data and geochemical modeling of arsenic mobility and treatment is presented. The findings indicate that seasonal temperature variations can affect natural attenuation of arsenic and arsenic treatment efficiency by iron hydroxide sorption.
Client Focus
"We are 110% focused on client success. When our client achieves their objectives we achieve our objective"